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  • Dan Noble

    I would see if you could get your IT department to run a powerwash on the chromebook and then re-load Minecraft. 

    There's also a possibility that it may be a unit that doesn't quite have enough resources to support Minecraft properly, even though it will run the application. What model of chromebook is it? 

  • one day I was playing minecraft and the next day my cursor disappeared...

  • Dan Noble

    Hi Charan Borra

    If it disappears while navigating menus, try restarting your device. It usually resolves the problem. 

  • I know that restarting the device solves the issue, but is there any other way to get the cursor back? I had a student who had to restart 3 times within the span of 10 minutes today.

  • Dan Noble

    Not that I'm aware of. 

    Generally, if you're seeing these issues frequently on a given device, I would say that the device is probably in need of some TLC from your IT department. It may be low on system resources, or there may be other issues which a re-install of the operating system or a clearing of space would probably resolve. 

  • Debbie Alexander
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Danielle Chronister the reason I usually encounter this is when I have some kind of a popup on my machine. For example, my computer wants me to update, or it hasn't finished doing something else yet, and a dialog box is still waiting for an answer from me. Things like this can just as a result of a slow computer, a computer waiting to update, a problem with a sign in, or something similar.

    I suggest moving the student onto another device. If the problem moves with the student, that is telling. =] If it doesn't, then if it lasts more than a day, put in a help ticket to your tech folks, like Dan said. (I just say 24 hours because at our school, the computers cannot update during the day, so give it a chance to update overnight. )

  • So, this is on chromebooks that don't do pop-ups for update messages. And I can't put students on other devices since they only have the 1 device and I have no extras. Unfortunately, that doesn't help me with this issue.

  • Charan Borra

    You can actually press f1 to get it back


    my cuser has dissupr

  • Dominick Support
    Bug Zapper Support

    have you tried the above fixes mentioned in this post? Try restarting your device Matthew to fix your issue. 


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