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Andrei Hnidzenka
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Recent activity by Andrei Hnidzenka Recent activity Votes
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    Python in Seymour Island

    Hello. My students complain that they can't open Python programming on Seymour Island, and Code Builder loads well. A few months ago I tested this world and everything worked for me

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    Worlds and name are gone

    Hello. Instead of my name, underscores appeared, and all my worlds disappeared!!! I am a teacher and teach students. My students have the same thing and we can’t study, that is, this problem is not...

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    the game crashes

    Hello. The day before yesterday I updated the drivers for my Nvidia 3060 Ti video card and when I run the code on Python Island No. 5, the game crashes. When I write code, everything is fine, when ...

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    Problem with NPC

    В миссии Чудо женщина невозможно пообщаться с Дианой в самом конце миссии, когда мы стоим за занавесом. Вокруг неё барьеры и невозможно с ней заговорить