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Problem with NPC



  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey there,

    Sorry you are having issues with one of the worlds you are playing. 

    Could you share a link to the world you are referring to? We can try to replicate on our end.

  • Ernie Support

    Hey A H,

    Not sure how we missed this. I apologize for the wait!
    We are going to see if we can recreate your issue in this world. In the meantime, could you tell me what type of device you are using, and whether or not you use Minecraft Education through your school, or is you are using a commercial license you purchased yourself?

  • Andrei Hnidzenka

    Hello. We have an online school. The school purchased licenses and issues logins and passwords to students and teachers. All my students and I have this problem on two computers (Win 10 on a laptop and Win 11 on a desktop computer). All my students study on Windows

  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey there,

    Got it, thanks for the added info.

    If you would like, we can switch this to a ticket format, then we would request a video replication of the issue so we can send it to the test team to investigate further.

    Does that sound like something you would like to do?

  • Andrei Hnidzenka

    Yes. I'm ready

  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey there,

    Great! I will create a ticket, and either I or our team can troubleshoot your issue there.

    See you there!



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