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Eu entro no minecraft e depois de algum tempo dentro do jogo ele fecha sozinho.



  • Dominick Support
    Bug Zapper Support

    This is a known bug that the Dev team is addressing. You can try a power wash of your Chromebook to see if that helps the issue. Please bear with us. Can you send us your device information like model and OS version? 

  • meu computador tambem tem uma placa de video (rtx 3050) se precisar de mais alguma informação me avise

  • Dominick Support
    Bug Zapper Support

    Thank you for sending that. It will help with our investigation. 

  • Gostaria de saber oq posso fazer em relação ao problema pois até hoje nao foi resolvido e preciso de um retorno pois preciso utilizar o aplicativo.

  • Dominick Support
    Bug Zapper Support

    You can request a refund or at least get prorated what you paid for at the Microsoft Admin Center. I am very sorry for this, and we are trying to resolve the issue as fast as possible. 


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