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why agent can break bedrock commndblock and Barrier



  • Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Coding is a super-power, and the agent uses code. What is the problem you are having specifically?

  • noam elad

    the problem that i am facing is that they can destroy our command blocks if we forget to protect them with deny block and they can destory bedrock and barrier blocks.  we cannot combine we agent with vanilla gameplay because of those superpowers. the agent is a great learning tool , we try to encourage them coding while playing survival and this agent ruin the vanilla game a bit 

  • Debbie Alexander
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Well, the truth is that is players can access coding, they can change themselves to operators and do what they will. The key to success is to collaborate with the members of the game and set ground rules before playing. 

    Or, you can locate important blocks in places which are well marked so players do not accidentally disturb them.

    FWIW this is a forum for MinecraftEDU, not another version.


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