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  • Debbie Alexander
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    XANDER WARNER - when you think about it, the big problem may be only size and perception.

    We already have minecarts, right? So if we are going to embrace Modern blocks, we could have road tracks instead of minecart tracks, and mini cars instead of minecarts. It really isn't that big of a leap. The big question is whether the thematic element in general is wanted over all. My guess is that until demand for a larger Modern blocks experience grows (refridgerators, rockets, what-have-you) that such items wouldn't be released until there was a whole passel of them. But that doesn't make it not worth asking for! =]

  • Caleb Brooks

    Sorry Xander, but I don't think cars will be added. If you really want cars in the game, I'd recommend trying to find a compatible addon.


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