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Mob Spawning



  • rui x

    1. what difficulty have you set the world to, and at what time/place are you looking for hostile mobs

    2. dropped items count as an entity, and since @e represents all entities in the world, the command /kill @e removes all dropped items. it is not a glitch, but a feature

  • Tyler Choat

    rui x Half of the time my difficulty is set to normal and Anywhere I go at any time in the world I see like a mob spawn then just dies kinda like if u do command /gamerule allowmobs. to be honest I think the mob spawning is just Microsoft having a glitch or something not sure and thanks for telling me about the items

  • rui x

    i suggest adding a 2 block high solid block roof somewhere around 30 - 60 blocks from your base, and wait for around 5 mins to see if any mobs have spawned. if they havent spawned, i recommend trying /difficulty peaceful and then doing /difficulty hard and then waiting and seeing

  • Tyler Choat

    Ok So I tried making a flat world that has difficulty set to normal then I set it to peaceful then I tried spawning some chickens and cows they just died then I tried setting it too hard then tried spawning some zombies creepers and other stuff they just died like the cows and chickens do

  • Tyler Choat

    rui x so I found the problem and fixed it now my mobs are spawning. What was the problem? The problem was my computer had an update and it needed to be done. After checking for updates there was an update for Microsoft store along with some more updates so I got those done and I went in one of my Minecraft worlds and it was working again but thanks for trying to help me

  • rui x

    np glad it worked for you

  • Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Ahhh, the evil denizens of technology - the need to restart, the need to update and the need to actually plug in the monitor! 

    lol added that one for fun. Glad you are all fixed! 


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