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Community Hub Feedback



  • Victor Rajewski

    Would be useful to have a Direct Message feature to be able (for example) be able to exchange email addresses with a person from a discussion. 


    Great! looking for new ideas to teach elementary schoolers!!

  • Nisaiah Dodson


  • Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    I think the biggest needs in the community are:

    1.) To address spam quickly, calmly and decisively. Posts with "Hi," etc. should have a clear suggestion of what real posts look like, and should be closed.

    2.) To ensure that requests for help are responded to quickly and effectively. I think good strides have been made in this area. It would make your job easier to have a list of quick links at hand. I am sure you are on this. =]

    3.) To move posts to the correct area. This area has also shown some growth. (cheers and arm waving!)

    4.) To have areas for educators clearly separated from non educators. Teachers like to be able to chat in the teachers' lounge without suddenly realizing a student is in the room. I had to affirm that I was an educator to register. There really ought to be some way to keep things a bit neater. ;]

    5.) Finally, having ways for forum members to participate is important. Let folks post their favorite screenie of the week. What is their favorite NPC? Have a poll! More significant things are great as well. What about members who want to share tips and hints? Where would that go? How about a tutorial area? You would need to moderate a forum like that. A lesson link? same thing. Forums grow because people feel welcome, needed and helped out.

    Go community!



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