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the game crashes



  • Ernie Support

    Hey A H,

    This issue occurs when you press "run" correct?
    Are you able to reproduce this error in any other worlds, or just Python Island No. 5?

  • Andrei Hnidzenka

    Yes, this happens in other worlds too. I just tried to launch Python Island No. 1 and in the first mission, when I pressed the C key, Minecraft crashed again.

  • Andrei Hnidzenka

    Sometimes the game crashes when you press a button when communicating with an NPC, sometimes when you press the C key, sometimes just when moving from one NPC to another. I tested all this on Python island No. 1, but I think it’s the same on all islands.
    P.S. I played another game for more than an hour, there were no crashes.

  • Andrei Hnidzenka

    I tried to load a world about a mummy and right when the world was loading it crashed. Looks like an optimization problem. I noticed that my processor is almost always 100% loaded when Minecraft Education is running, maybe it has something to do with it, but I have an AMD Ryzen 7 5700X

  • Andrei Hnidzenka

    I noticed that sometimes the game does not crash, but the loading percentage appears again, just like when minimizing and maximizing the game window. And this may happen several times, but then the game still crashes =(

  • Andrei Hnidzenka

    It's all the fault of nVidia's preferred settings in their program. They changed the number of rendering chunks for me to a large number, apparently because of this there were crashes from the program.

  • Ernie Support

    Hey A H,

    I was just reading through your comments and I was going to suggest lowering the rendering and possibly some other settings. Did this seem to fix your issue or are you still having issues?

  • Andrei Hnidzenka

    Today I will still check the work, but yesterday everything became better and did not crash for half an hour.

  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Thats good! Let us know how the lowered render settings go!

  • Andrei Hnidzenka

    Everything works fine with the recommended parameters. It's strange that nVidia itself changes the settings in this way

  • Ernie Support

    I agree, but I'm glad you were able to share something with us that we can share with others in your situation.


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