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  • Bug Zapper Super Star

    Hi Michal,

    I'm not sure what you're referring to by "command subtitles," but I have at least a partial solution for the NPC dialogue. Translation in ME is essentially divided into two parts -- everything that has to do with the framework of Minecraft itself (menus, hotkeys, block names, code blocks, etc.), and then everything that was written by the person who created the world (signs, NPC dialogue, pop-up titles, etc.)

    For the first case, that's what the game language settings apply to.  For the second part, if the person who created the world hasn't been able to create copies of the world in different languages (which is the case for many of the worlds, as they're often created by one person without a translation department), there are two options that I know of:

    1. The long way -- download a copy of the game, hop into world-builder mode, and change all the world text yourself, and then distribute your translated copy to the students. Depending on the world, this can be challenging, and some really complex worlds won't let you do it at all, but for the ones that do, you get the translation you want.

    2. The short way -- Teach your students to use the Immersive Reader to translate books, dialogue, and signs. It's a machine translation, so it won't be perfect, but it's simpler to implement and is often enough for students to understand what they're supposed to do.

  • Dominick Support
    Bug Zapper Support

    And just to clarify some items. Language will change the UI only. Each world is created in a certain language and cannot be changed at this time. We do offer lessons in different languages, but the other aspects are hard set in what the world was created in. 


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