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About command completion



  • Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Hello! Pleased to meet you! Can you help me to understand a bit better, please? Are you listing players, or are you listing items? Could you possibly post a screenshot, so I can see what you mean? Thanks!

  • 智宏 垣添

    Thanks for your reply.
    I will attach the image.

    I can barely see the first letter.

    I would like to know if there is a way to move the list up and down with the keyboard.


  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey there!

    Thanks for the image.

    What device and OS version are you on?

    I tried to replicate on a Windows device and I could not.


    I recommend playing around with some GUI scale settings to see if that helps at all


    Let us know!

  • thank you.
    I understand the cause.

    There is no problem if the language is English.
    However, when it is set to Japanese, the same phenomenon occurs on any PC.
    I think it's probably a font issue.
    I hope this is fixed someday.


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