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1.18.45 locks on launch mac



  • Dominick Support
    Bug Zapper Support

    Hello Chris. I am sorry to hear about your issue. We have seen users report that antivirus programs have been causing this issue. As a test, try disabling your AV software and in some cases, you will need to uninstall the software completely. Some have even reported that they need to use a 3rd party uninstaller like REVO to remove all files to get it to work. Those downloading resources messages are stating that the client crashed due to a communication block when you opened the app. 

  • Chris Goodson

    Are there any specific AV software packages that are causing the issue? I know we had Cloudstrike installed just before the problem occurred. Knowing what specific AV has caused issues can help my engineers track down the issue.

  • Dominick Support
    Bug Zapper Support

    The most common is Sophos and it has to do with decryption methods. Beyond that is can be any AV software. I hope that helps. 

  • Chris Goodson

    Thanks. That helps.


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