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Cannot use multiplayer in patch 1.18.42 or 45



  • Dominick Support
    Bug Zapper Support

    Alot of backend changes occurred with our newest client build. Please go through the following:

    1. Make sure that //* has been allow listed through firewall and content filters.
    • The signaling connections use wss://
    • The STUN and TURN connections use / on the / 16 IP range using remote TCP port 443 and remote UDP ports 3478-3481
    • The peer-to-peer connections between host and joining client use local ephemeral UDP ports specified by the host client (the local port range is defined by the OS) and sent to the joining client via the signaling service.
    • Our system now uses ephemeral ports. They will need to be unblocked. 
    1. Can you tell me if this is device specific or is this happening to everyone and how often?
    2. Try toggling cellular data setting to on with tablets, Chromebooks, android phones and iOS phones.
      1. It's a setting under Profile on all devices.

    I hope this helps. 


    I'm pinning lots of hope that 1.19 update will fix a lot with multiplayer. We can't do a survival world at all. After about 5 min into a survival world blocks can't be broken and the world will stop rendering chunks here and there.

  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey Jeffrey,

    This is the first I am hearing of this issue.

    Are you able to share a video reproduction (leaving out personal info)?

    I'd love to try and dig in further to see what is going on.


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