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Keys get sticky on MacBook



  • Jason Kries
    Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    That is odd, isn't it?

    Have you tried plugging in an external USB keyboard to see if the issue is only happening on the Apple keyboard?

  • Dominick Support
    Bug Zapper Support

    It could be a driver issue or even lag that is occurring as well. Can you let us know the OS version of the device and make sure your screen is super clean for the touch screen side of this. 

  • Maksim Dmitrichenko

    Jason Kries, i don't have external keyboard but I'll try to get it somewhere.

    Dominick the version of OS is mentioned in the first sentense of my post - it's macOS Monterey (12.6.2). Lol, but wheather the screen is clean or not doesn't matter. MacBook Air doesn't have a touch screen ) At least as of version of 2017.

    Upd: took an USB keyboard from my neigbour. Yes, the issue reproduced on the external keyboard. Moreover, I foggot to mention the even mouse is affected - sometimes character starts to dig or to put blocks without left mouse button being pressed.

  • Dominick Support
    Bug Zapper Support

    This is pointing to a lag that might be occurring. Something with the install or device drivers might also be a occurring. Change all video settings to its lowest setting to try and address the lag option. As for the device I would check for updates any "human interface" devices listed, try disabling them. 

  • Maksim Dmitrichenko

    Dominick I've already tried to lower graphic settings with no effect. Drivers and etc. - it seems that you have no idea how Apple devices work. There is no driver updates. At least for such devices like keyboards and mices.

    Obviously this is a bug. Is there any way to report this issue to developers? It seems that community has no way to diagnose and fix this issue anyway.

  • Dominick Support
    Bug Zapper Support

    We have let them know but they are unable to reproduce this issue. This would suggest it's something in your environment or the device itself causing the issue until the root cause can be isolated. Thank you for trying those items and hopefully someone will have ideas for you to try. 

  • Samuel Laureano

    i also encounter this problem


  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey Samuel!

    Have you tried some of the above suggestions like perhaps adjusting the render distance settings? 

    Let us know what kind of settings you played around with so far and what device you are on!



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