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Minecraft world file locations



  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey Nick!

    Sorry to hear you are running into some issues.

    Could you please explain your end goal a bit more so we can understand the full picture?

  • Debbie Alexander
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    The location of world files is in a post here:

    Files are saved locally, to whatever device was used, but students can also learn file management with the export features. Hope this contributes.

  • Nick Evans

    Hi Both

    Basically the way the files are currently stored they get saved into their local profile on the computer. Because of how the school works, its unlikely they will be able to use the same computer every time. Because of how various parts of the profile are redirected I cannot gain access to the actual world files locations as the students do not have access to their c drives. So I need to try and relocate the files so they move with the students profiles. Ideally in a folder in their documents folder if possible.

    I am aware of the export feature, but its going to be a pain for the students to have to export and save their worlds after every lesson and then import them next lesson if they are working on projects etc. 




  • Danny Support
    Beacon of Knowledge Bug Zapper Support

    Hey Nick,

    Currently the export feature is the best option for this. Perhaps if they have thumb drives they could export to them, so to launch their world in Minecraft: Education Edition all they would have to do would be to click the latest file. 

  • Debbie Alexander
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Hi again, Nick. The way I handle this is to have temporary assigned devices (or seats) during projects for the youngest students. So for 2nd or 3rd grade, I keep a seating chart and note where they are seated. For 4th grade I tell them to remember, and in addition, they rename their world with their name. 5th grade and up have to deal with digital skills enough that downloading and uploading are worthy skills and I expect them to know how to export to the desktop or documents folder, then drag from that folder into the cloud. I warn everyone in the last five minutes to stop, save and exit, manage, export, and upload.

    We do that just to be sure nothing gets lost anyway. Lost worlds are very sad on big projects. 

  • Aleece Landis
    Bug Zapper Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Unfortunately, like the others have said, the software in on the device and so are the world files.  So to have the individual student's world files travel with them, they will need to

    1. make a point of naming new worlds when they create them.
    2. at the end of a session, export their worlds to either their onedrive, other cloud storage account, or thumb drive.
    3. even if the student is always using the same device, step number 2 is the best way to keep backups of work in case of computer crash or corrupted files for whatever reason.
    4. I regularly export our multiplayer worlds and add the date of the backup to help with file management.

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