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  • I run on MacBook Air by the way!

  • Dani Noble
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Hi Darcy Swinbourn

    As you've discovered, Minecraft Education while based off of bedrock are not 100% compatible, and you do have to watch which tools you're using as they're not supported and can cause major headaches. 

    You'll probably have to uninstall Optifine along with Minecraft Education Edition. It my experience, Mac's aren't the greatest with uninstalls... they tend to leave a lot of files behind, so it might be better to run the "Time machine" and take the system back to before you installed optifine. Hopefully, that'll do the trick, as otherwise, you're going to have to go digging for files to remove. 

    Let us know how you make out! 

  • Darcy Swinbourn

    Unfortunately, I don't have any files to revert to in the time machine app- keep in mind the fact the MacBook I'm using is school provided, so I can't access many of the setting such as automatic backups. I have tried to delete the game and all other files related of it I could search for in finder, but upon re-installing it from chrome, it always seems to withhold may data. This is further proved because I my account is always logged in even after the uninstall. Mac 'app resetters' and 'cleaners' didn't work for me either. Anything else I could try? I'm seriously stuck here!

  • Dani Noble
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Hi Darcy Swinbourn

    Ouch! Sorry to hear that. I've had similar experiences trying to uninstall things from Macs. Unless you know the specific files/folders you need to delete, it can be pretty much impossible to find them. 

    As it's a school computer, I'd recommend you get them to wipe, and re-install the OS. Probably the quickest way around it. Make sure you backup all your files first of course! 


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