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  • Aleece Landis
    Bug Zapper Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    What are you trying to do?

    You can use the /fill x y z x2 y2 z2 air 0 to basically erase blocks.  You can't delete all blocks completely in a single command since the fill command has a limit to how many blocks you can fill in one operation.  But if you use relative positions you could move a little and then repeat the command to erase and area.

    You can use the /fill command to place many blocks at a time. 

    code builder has many coding blocks that can help you build and use these commands if you are not comfortable tying them in and running them yourself.  It will require understanding of coordinates.

    If you are trying to create a void world (like for making a skyblock map) you can probably start from a flat world and fill the existing blocks for a fairly large area around spawn with air.  Probably best to do this in a creative world.

  • 13F FFAFS

    Aleece Landis make a superflat using a normal world so it has biomes 

  • Aleece Landis
    Bug Zapper Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Are you saying you want to create a superflat world but with biomes?

    Then you will probably want to create a command you can put in a block and turn on with a switch and then walk along and flatten out a big swath of land  as you go.

    Here is a video that might be helpful near the end at 15:45 he gets to an execute @ fill command that might be useful for what you are doing. 


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