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Code will not run



  • Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Hello. Sorry you are having trouble with coding. So you are working in a world, you click C to open code builder, and I assume you are choosing MakeCode block coding? What code are you trying to run? Can you try something simple, like an on start block with a say command, and then click the start button. Be sure you look in the upper left corner for a message.

  • Effective CS

    Thanks for your reply.  yes it is the MakeCode block editor.  I have just tried to use the say command to make a smiley :), sadly nothing either when I ran it.  Is there any permissions or configuration that could be blocking the code from executing? 

  • Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Generally speaking, once you are in the coding window, that lets you know you have permission to run code, at least that's my experience. 

    Have you tried in another world? I have had worlds which were corrupted or had special scripts running in the background I didn't know about (this would be downloaded or library worlds.)

    You could ask in the Facebook group, or submit a ticket if coding isn't working, even if you open a brand new wolrd and you still can't code. Sorry for the trouble.


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