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Cyber FUNdamentals issues



  • Dani Noble
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Joshua Yoder, the first thing I'd try is make sure that all your students renders settings in Minecraft are at recommended levels. A lot of students will boost them and this causes issues in many of these lessons. You can  change these under Settings>Video>Render Distance. Typically on most devices you'll want to keep this between 4 and 8. 

    Other than that, make sure your devices OS is up to date, and give them a reboot. 

  • Joshua Yoder

    I can try that.  Usually when the same student restarts the lesson it will work the 2nd time, even though they're using the same render settings as their first attempt. Unfortunately I don't have the ability to update the OS as a teacher, but all OS are on the same version.

  • Joshua Yoder

    The recommended render distance for our computers is 9.  Does that mean I need to have ALL students go in and change their render distance every time we do a lesson?

  • Dani Noble
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    I think it's an opportunity to impart some responsibility onto the students. Their render settings should always be at the recommended level when doing a Minecraft lesson. Many of the more complex worlds like this will have issues if the setting is higher. It's just something they need to remember to do or something they can try if they're running into the same issues. 

    If it's a build project on their own, it really doesn't matter. 

  • Joshua Yoder

    Yeah, except each time I've checked their render settings after getting the bug, it is on the recommended level of 9.

  • Dani Noble
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    What happens if you drop them to say, 4? Worth a try. 

    If it's not that, then at least we've eliminated that as a cause. 

    What kind of devices are you on? Windows, Chrome, iPad, Mac, Android? 


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