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Intermediate Coding Lesson 2 Assessment



  • Debbie Alexander
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Hi kirill hale - welcome aboard to the world of coding! Glad to see you diving in the deeper end of the pool! I'm going to go get some snips and start adding them here for you. Give me some time. If I were you, I would be looking at the "agent build wall" example code, though. ;)

  • kirill hale

    Hi Debbie. Thank you so much for the reply. so the num1 in this case would be the length, and if I want to add height, I would add a second variable next to num1? Also, was it necessary to set blocks?

  • Debbie Alexander
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    The method of placing blocks in this code is to "set on move." So when the agent moves forward num1 times, it sets that may blocks.

    I personally like to set blocks one at a time, but I'm weird that way =]

    Yes, to add a second parameter, you must add it when you create the function, and use it when you code. =]


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