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Code connection error



  • Tony Leung

    H Laurent,

    My kid is using Minecraft education to join competition and we use Code connection as webserver before to integrate with mobile phone to control MC agent thru API but now it is not working.The code Connection not working for 1.18/1.19 for over half an year.

    I am very excited in seeing CodeConnectFix but seems only suitable for bedrock? I try it for education but the fix crashed with following error. May I seek your help to fix/guide me to fix?

    handleProtocols: (protocols) => protocols.find((protocol) => protocol === implementName)

    TypeError: protocols.find is not a function
    at Object.handleProtocols (C:\snapshot\CodeConnectFix\mcpews\lib\server.js:253:55)
    at WSServer.completeUpgrade (C:\snapshot\CodeConnectFix\node_modules\ws\lib\websocket-server.js:389:24)
    at WSServer.completeUpgrade (C:\snapshot\CodeConnectFix\mcpews\lib\server.js:274:15)
    at WSServer.handleUpgrade (C:\snapshot\CodeConnectFix\node_modules\ws\lib\websocket-server.js:339:10)
    at WSServer.handleUpgrade (C:\snapshot\CodeConnectFix\mcpews\lib\server.js:269:15)
    at Server.upgrade (C:\snapshot\CodeConnectFix\node_modules\ws\lib\websocket-server.js:114:16)
    at Server.emit (node:events:527:28)
    at onParserExecuteCommon (node:_http_server:732:14)
    at onParserExecute (node:_http_server:646:3)

  • Hi Tony,

    As discuss on  github, this tool was developed to connect to the Bedrock version.

    Despite the fix, the protocol of the Education version looks different or is no longer supported

    Really sorry this couldn't help you.


  • Tony Leung

    It's too sad to find out latest Minecraft education cannot use Code connection. Someone may ask me to use the integrated editor in education by pressing 'c', but Code connection can be a REST server to bridge receiving API call so that my kids can interconnect with mobile app inventor. The integrated editor cannot...

    Will Microsoft support fix the code connection soon? I see the discussion chain is over 1 year already... Very sad..  

  • David Yilma

    Thanks Dominic, but I feel that the logical step for devs is to ditch Code Connection and push everyone towards payed Minecraft EE if they want to use these extra functionalities. The M:EE licencing is desing for that now, so there is no problem like it used to be.

    Just my feeling about that.

  • 회인 구

    I got it. There's no need to install "code connection". The latest version of minecraft:EE has "code builder" fuction.

    Type "c" when you enter a world of yours.


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