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Can't find End Portal and end portal can't activate



  • Ok im not admin but its not ender portal because the student need to focus on the coding of Minecraft education edition if you want to go to the ender portal you need to put in creative to have the end things only that works like only like the Minecraft bedrock is a ender portal like normal Minecraft but this Minecraft education edition its not ender portal.

  • Like on my school like i have but 0 classes i don’t use Minecraft i don’t know why because i have one class its AVID and the teacher say no Minecraft education edition but i don’t care what the teacher say because i can say to him bruh 

  • Dominick Support
    Bug Zapper Support
    There is probably a user setting issue causing this error. Were you able to try in creative mode? I will need a screenshot of what you are seeing and the settings of the hosted world. 

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