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Minecraft dissapeared from my computer-



  • Debbie Alexander
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    Sometimes when Windows updates, it messes with shortcuts a little bit.

    Can you try to open the Windows button and do a search for Minecraft or mojang and see if you find it? You could also open your PC folder and search for mcworld files and then double click on one to open it.

  • Tom Low

    Hi, I'm the admin of our home setup and we had the same problem.  Minecraft Education Edition just dissapeared overnight and I had to reinstall it.

    I checked my computer for the .exe file and there's a new update exe that was downloaded somehow and doesn't work when I click on it, so I used the original exe I initially installed with.

    I used a free program called "everything" to find the original exe.

  • Anabel Gomez Torres

    I did a windows search through my computer, it didn't appear under M. Nor when I searched it. The skin packs and mods I downloaded are still intact and in my computer... and I just tried to open one of my skin packs yet Minecraft is non-existant. Is there anything else I could try?

  • Debbie Alexander
    Moderator Beacon of Knowledge Super Star

    This post can help you look for world files:

    I suggested that you look for the mojang file. Other than waiting for admin help from your dad to reinstall, please do try and search for the word mojang.

  • Anabel Gomez Torres

    ok :>


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