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Error when installing on Windows 7



  • Andrew L

    Hi there Zack K. Could you let me know if you're trying to install these as administrator? Likewise, do you have full installation permissions on your devices?

  • kiko gambin

    A mi me pasa Exactamente igual que a Zack, en el pc de mi hermano se instalo pero en el mío no. Tienen que solucionar eso en la siguiente actualizacion, o al menos, ayudarnos a los que tenemos el problema. Lo segundo, lo e probado muchas veces y, aunque lo ejecutes como administrador o tu usuario sea administrador sigue saliendo el error, Luego tambien e probado a descargar actualizaciones de windows 7 y sigue saliendo el error, y a veces sale un error de que no se pudo marcar el archvo update.exe. 

  • kiko gambin

    I forgot that you are English speakers

  • kiko gambin

    It happens to me Exactly the same as to Zack, it was installed on my brother's PC but not on mine. They have to fix that in the next update, or at least help us who have the problem. The second, I have tried it many times and, even if you run it as an administrator or your user is an administrator, the error continues to appear, then I have also tried to download windows 7 updates and the error continues to appear, and sometimes an error appears that I don't was able to mark the update.exe file.

  • Abhinand K G

    This Minecraft Edition Isn't Coverting Java Why?

  • kiko gambin

    Porque no 

  • Abhinand K G

    Because Yesteday I Was Using Windows 7 Now I'm Windows 10 The Java Edition Don't Nicely Works...

  • Abhinand K G



    Source text

    This Error Want To Be Fixed Or Anything But This Update Is Stuck On 1.17 This Wanna Be Fixed
    Эта ошибка хочет быть исправлена или что-то еще, но это обновление застряло на 1.17 Это нужно исправить
  • Abhinand K G

    I Almost Forget Everyone Don't Now This Language I Was Talking A Bit Russian



  • Abhinand K G

    Estos errores me están volviendo loco ¿Podría solucionar estos errores y la actualización 1.18.1?


  • kiko gambin

    hello, what errors you have, i think i would help you, my discord is Kiupro2007#2296

  • Abhinand K G

    ok thanks



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