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INSTALL OF 1.14.50



  • Tyler Walker

    I am not an official Minecraft person, but I was just wondering. I will try to help the best I can.


    what computer/device are you on?

    is your internet connection secure?

    this might not be applicable, but: is there some kind of "blackout" area or something that blocks you from accessing?

    have tried to delete the software, then redownload it?

    have you tried deleting the %appdata% of Minecraft education edition (if you are on a windows device)?

    restarting your device after downloading?

     are you signed in with a different account?

    one last thing. Are your students able to access the Minecraft Education edition? 


    i am following so that i can help the best i can. hope this helps!

  • Tyler Walker

    the update worked just fine for me,, so i don't really understand that well why it isn't working for you.

  • Thanks Tyler

    what computer/device are you on? - HP SFF desktop

    is your internet connection secure?  Normal Home internet with no seperat firewall

    this might not be applicable, but: is there some kind of "blackout" area or something that blocks you from accessing? NO

    have tried to delete the software, then redownload it?  YES

    have you tried deleting the %appdata% of Minecraft education edition (if you are on a windows device)?  YES

    restarting your device after downloading? YES

     are you signed in with a different account?  Nope my @education mail account

    one last thing. Are your students able to access the Minecraft Education edition? As I said I got it working on other machine but not this one until I set Minecraft to run as an administrator.  Being that I am the administrator of the machine and have setup other users I wrongly assumed that this should not have been the case.  So wil test again tonight with a hosted game.

    HP SFF desktop

  • Penny Support
    Bug Zapper Super Star Beacon of Knowledge Support

    Keith Ashton-Bradley I'm going to move your post over to the support forum.

  • pumpkin man

    wont let me log in i think its because of the url may you please give me it?


  • Aaron Rodas Perdomo

    It says it cant connect to my device and check my internet but when I check it is secured is full Wi-Fi no lag just nothing


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