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Chromebook doesn't have the Share to Teams link for lessons (updated title)



  • Official comment

    Good morning everyone,

    I have some news from the development team to share with you. Currently the only platforms that support the new sharing options are Windows 10 and Chromebook (note: Chromebook does not have "mail to" available at this time). iOS users can still use the share function, while macOS users can still utilize the copy and paste URL option. Thank you all for the feedback on this and keep an eye on the official site for any future updates to the game. 

  • Aaron Maurer

    I have the same issue on my end. I was just working through this. I thought maybe it was a Mac issue.

  • Mark Loundy


    Yep, I'm the one who discovered it.

  • AdamS

    Mark Loundy

    Perfect and we appreciate you bringing it up so we can work to improve it! Thank you for all the help!

  • Mark Loundy

    And now I have the sads. :-(

  • carmen nereida herrá

    hola espero que NOSE CONFUNDAN CON EL NOBER DE MIMADRE :-( pero bueno es pero que seamos amigos



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