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Classroom mode unusably slow with a class full of students



  • Milo Wearn

    Some reasons classroom mode is good is because you can drag and drop students to different places. You would need to go over to the area and do /tp @a without it. Also did you mean potion effects? You can use /effect <playername> clearFor greifing, use adventure mode! It makes it so that students must have the correct tools to break blocks. OR you can set them to visitor by going into the multiplayer tab and pressing the button next to the players name. This disables block breaking but they can still look and interact with certain objects like doors. They also can't harm mobs in this mode.

  • Victor Rajewski

    Thanks; I'm aware of where classroom mode is useful, but it's so slow with a class full of students, that I can't actually use it for _any_ purpose. 

    The effect clear command will be very handy - thanks - although it would be easier to be able to disable them being used in the first place. 

    Survival and Adventures modes have their place, but for some activities we need Creative mode so that students can build things easily.

  • Milo Wearn

    Ok! There is an alternative to Classroom Mode:

    I am not sure if this is faster with 30 players but it seems really fast.

  • Victor Rajewski

    Yep, I wrote it :)


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