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Custom Skins



  • Penny Support
    Bug Zapper Super Star Beacon of Knowledge Support

    Hi Brynn, we do limit what skins can be downloaded to Minecraft: Education Edition as our main audience is students and we want to ensure that every skin has been approved by our team as something we are comfortable offering to students.  Are there specific types of characters/skins you would like to see added to our library?

  • Alex Zhao

    I am thinking the skins of the Hermitcraft members Carrie

  • Lee Nishinoya

    I agree with Brynn, there should be more skins available. There are several students in my class who have complained about not having skins they like, and there have been many times that I have mixed up students because they had the same skin. While I understand why students can't have custom skins, there should at least be more skin packs available. For example, maybe the Super Mario skin pack, like the one on Minecraft Wii U Edition, or the Battle and Beasts skin pack like on Minecraft PS4 Edition.

  • Theoretically you can add any skin into MCEE. You'll have to convert the PNG to MCADDON.

  • Matthew McKelligan

    Bryan Sanders, how do I do that?


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