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  • Penny Support
    Bug Zapper Super Star Beacon of Knowledge Support

    It's great to stay connected with your friends!  Multiplayer across different internet connections may be possible as long as the criteria in our Multiplayer guide is met. Keep in mind that every network is different, so it's possible that some players may not be able to join a multiplayer session from their respective networks due to distinct configuration settings. Our support team is limited in our ability to troubleshoot these unique network issues, but we are always happy to try to help.

  • maik 899

    estaría bueno que se pueda jugar multijugador con los usuarios de ps4, celular y todas las versiones de bedrock edition pero para eso tendrían que actualizar el juego asta la nether update osea la 1.16 así que estaría bueno que metan las dos : )


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